West Yellowstone Dentistry
Doug Smith DDS
Having Trouble Finding a Dentist in Your Area
We’re Here to Help!
We are located right in the heart of West Yellowstone, MT. That means you dont have to travel to get to a dentistry. Whether you are a resident or visiting, we don’t want you to go without the health care you are needing just because you are in the heart of the country. Our services range from basic teeth cleaning to root canals so that you are able to get all of your needs covered in one location. We want to help you get back to enjoying nature as much as we do.

Dental Cleaning
We offer teeth cleanings so that you dont have to leave Yellowstone to get the service you need.

Same Day Crowns
We know that you don’t want to have to come back multiple times when you could be enjoying yourself here. That’s why we offer same day crowns so you only have to come in once.

Root Canals
Root canals are no fun. Especially if you start to experience pain while you are on your vacation. Don’t fight through the pain. We can get your teeth back to normal so you can get back to your every day life.
Great Dentistry Without Disrupting Your Lifestyle
When it comes to dental work, no one wants to spend all day getting their dental work done. That is especially the case when you are in an amazing location like Yellowstone National Park. We want to give you great dentisty without having to travel hours and having multiple visits to get your work done. Let us help you fix your needs without taking up all of your time.
About Dr. Smith
Doug Smith is a family dentist specializing in in-surgery and restorative dentistry. He grew up in South East Idaho and got his bachelor’s degree at Utah state. Once graduated, he went to Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri for dental school. From there, he joined the military and interned at Madigan General Hospital. In 2016 Dr. Smith opened West Yellowstone Dental with his son, Ryan. Dr. Smith is considered a Master of Dentistry by the Academy of Dentistry.
About Dr. Smith
Ryan Smith is a family dentist with a specialization in implants and orthodontics. Dr. Smith got his bachelor’s degree at Utah State University and then continued to the University of Kentucky for dental school. This is his eighth year being a dentist and he loves what he does. Dr. Smith’s favorite thing to do is implants because each situation presents a unique challenge that must be overcome.

Where are We Located
We are located right in the heart of West Yellowstone, Montana. Our location is right along one of the main roads so that you don’t have to venture far to find us.

“So many reasos to love this place; they are very professional and do a great job. They don’t rush you in and out of the chair. They communicate every aspect of their procedures and ask how you are doing. They are great with kids in the waiting room. They invest in modern, high quality equipment and software. They have a machine that can make a crown on the spot. Their interior space is clean, pleasant, and inviting. They hygenist is incredibly thorough, the dentist is knowledgeable and efficient, and the assistant is friendly and helpful. They all work very well together. I alwayse leave here feeling great about my clean and healthy teeth.
The front desk staff are unbelievable, and Dr. Smith is the gentlest dentist I’ve ever been to!
Get Your Teeth Cleaned Today!
Come visit us in West Yellowstone today to get your dental work done. Whether it is a routine cleaning or a root canal, we have you covered!
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317 N Canyon St,
West Yellowstone, MT 59758